
LOWA TRAIL Racers Team Selina Bebi

Make the best of every situation!

For Selina Bebi, trail running embodies everything that is positive: fresh air, freedom, happiness, adventure and nature pure. What luck then that the young athlete has the perfect conditions prac­tically for all this right on the doorstep in her home town of Davos. A privilege she has appre­ciated since childhood.

Selina was born and raised in Davos. So it’s not surprising that in such a picturesque landscape she prefers to pursue winter endurance sports in the winter and trail running in the summer. For the Swiss runner, there is no more perfect place for her greatest passion: trail running! In the summer months espe­cially, she uses every free minute to climb new mountain peaks and explore tech­nically exciting trails. Her all-time favourite trail? Up to the Jokobshorn and then down into the Sertig valley. One of her many favourite trails right on the doorstep, where Selina can switch off, free her mind, and get away from everyday life and her studies – even though her degree in physio­therapy perfectly complements her love for outdoor sports.

As the young athlete originally comes from cross-country skiing she already has a lot of competition experience in this field, and is looking forward to her adventures with the LOWA Trail Explorers Team: “I love pushing myself to my limits during training and compet­itions. That’s what really appeals to me about trail running. I’m delighted that CITUX, AMPLUX and FORTUX will be accom­panying me over a wide variety of terrain.

Facts & figures

Home base:
Student of physio­therapy (bach­elor’s degree)
Local mountain:
1,71 m
58 kg

Selina Bebi,
How would you describe your perfect day?

“My perfect day starts with a trail run to watch the sun rise on a mountain top in the morning, followed by a fine brunch and a relaxing afternoon at the lake.”

What is the first thing you do when you reach the finish line?

“The first thing I do when I cross the finish line is to take a few seconds to calm down and breathe normally. Afterwards, I enjoy the moment. I like to exchange a few words with my team mates and share their happiness with them. That’s the beauty of trail running: we don’t begrudge each other our successes and also give each other a sincerely meant pat on the back.”

Do you have a role model?

“One of my role models is the cross-country skier Jessica Diggins. She always has a smile on her face and demon­strates incredible mental strength at compet­itions, which allows her to push herself to the limit.”

How much more do you enjoy life than other people possibly do?

“Maybe I enjoy life a little more than others, because I can take great pleasure in small things. Be it a sunset, beautiful meadow flowers, the glitter of snow crystals in the sun, a smile from other people, etc. I also love to go on adventures, so I probably spend much more time outdoors in nature that others spend in front of the TV or mobile phone.”

What is your favourite LOWA shoe?

“My favourite runner at the moment is defin­itively LOWA CITUX. An absolute light­weight shoe with super energy return, which despite its lightness has a sole that offers very good grip. I’m certain that they will be great for my races on the trails and at the finish line, and I’m already looking forward to wearing them on many fast-speed runs.”